Sunday, November 14, 2010

This week

(apperently if you hit enter on the title space your blog gets published haha)
My book is coming along nicely, yet I hate it. There is no creative value in the book. My first idea was shot down almost immediately, so my book came out dull. I feel like there is so much bleh with this book. I might just have a way of adding a little bit more hazzaz to it. During Ganes's DP class, I have been saving all of my hardened paint that i don't use. So I just might use them because the back of the paint is pretty darn wild in terms of waves of color. I might just paste them all over the book making it oddly shaped and bumpy. At least then there would be some what of life coming out of that book.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


This past week with Karl has been great. I know it was only 1 session but that one session proved that I was really into the whole book design thing. Whenever he was one 1 step with everyone, I was already 1 or 2 steps ahead doing a different task. Sure I needed little snip bitz of advice because it has been awhile. I don't really know what my idea for a book design should be. Last year was creative but I really wanna top that design. So I'm am thinking something really trashy. Like literal trash... well clean trash. Maybe a soda can book or something. I don't know, my ideas will probably evolve more as the week goes on.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Friday was a fun day. The trip started out great with taking pictures of what is interesting to us. My pictures were all around okay. Some were good in my point of view. Although, I was much more involved with just taking in the sight. Had i known things would be this beautiful i would have brought a sketch pad. Through the day, we kind of got lost, yet still made it to most of the places on the map. The disappointment to me were, the phycogeogrophy thing was a little boring to me. I got the point of the maps showing space but it was just so tiny of a exhibit. If it had been bigger, it may have caught my eye a little bit better. Also I didn't find Etally to be as good as I thought it would be. I thought there would be alot more then just food. It turned out to be mainly just food. Overpriced food to be exact. It wasn't worth the excitement that was led up to be. Now the great parts of the trip was mainly Washington square. There was simply so much music going on. I was simply flattered by the solo acts and band acts. What really caught my eye was the piano man. The guy brought a piano to the plaza. This was mind blowing. Also pigeon man was pretty cool. Also the music shop we stopped in made my day. It was the first time in my entire life that I saw a 7 string guitar. I also saw something I never knew that was out there. A hallow body bass guitar. Never in my life did I think those existed. Overall the trip was a success and once again, I can not wait for the next one.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So Friday turned out to be alot better then last time. I was part of snow white trash and I was pretty amazed on how much better my acting skills have gotten. My first bekind rewind was Judas and my acting sucked so much. Now, I am not saying my acting was 100% perfect, but I did improve alot. Also when creating this movie, I chose to step back a little to see how a good idea comes to be. Ilana and Kali were shouting out ideas left and right and look how the movie turned out. So I learned a lot in the process of how to make 1 idea grow into something better.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ok so now I am thinking more of the prisoner.

So here is what I'm going to assume is correct. The village represents number 6's mind. I am guessing something troubled him before hand, which lead to his resigning without telling his boss why he quits. (thus him yelling and hitting the desk in the intro, which my guess is his words would be "you don't need to know"). Any who, number 6 is placed on this island as a "prisoner" of his own mind. Such a perfect place where people are kind, and if they are so kind, why would he try and escape? Because he wants to become free of his mind. He try's to escape but he can't do to the fact of rover, which could resemble fear. Rover is always there right before he can escape, the boat or helicopter stops working, and leads him right to rover. Bottom line, he is afraid of being free of his mind. Number 2 has a role to play but I am still trying to figure that one out.

Monday, September 27, 2010

phyco 2

OKAY let me start off by saying that the reason why some of these pictures have some of me in this, is because of the fact I lost my SD card reader. So I had to improvise with a webcam. Not that you probably care.
So this whole entire idea is based around the fact of how sound is made through music. Focusing on guitar, bass, amps and affects. You can capture a sense of noise being produced. The linear is the sound that is, that can't be seen. I tried to make the strings show up as being played but my camera can not show that. Either way you can imagine the sound yourself. You don't need movement to imagine a sound. 1 amp was turned on as the others were not. Can you hear a difference? As well as can you see that the chords for the effects aren't plugged in. so you can get a sense of how music can be effected with no effects.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So where am I going with this

I finally got loud.... during our trip to the com center. I was paired with Caitlin during the activity where we just start a convo and change our emotions with each other. Now Caitlin WAS GREAT with this. I started off what was a joke but she used that and started the convo that way. Which made us yell louder, and louder, and louder. When she caught me off guard it fueled me somehow, and the best part is. When I was fueled, Caitlin somehow became fueled as well. At one point me and her were just screaming at the top of our lungs. The best part is, even tho my stomach was hurting from hardly grasping air from screaming.... I kept on going. She did too. From that point I knew I had changed from a year ago. I feel Catlin has already gone through what I have though. Caitlin if you read this... GOOD WORK!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

phyco whosie what: pointless invention

Tiny backpack...

oh my god... we remade pringles...

Over crispy nuggets

Jumbo pen.

... do I need to go into this?

Hidden hidden driveway sign


Cellphone advertisements

Things inside balls.

Knock off of 5 hour energy

All these things just either make me laugh or make me realize that our world is just loosing it. Seriously.... alot of these ideas just do not make sense. For instance, WHO NEEDS A 80 HOUR SPRAY TO KEEP YOU AWAKE?!?! TRY SLEEPING?!?! BESIDES THE FACT THERE IS ONLY 24 HOURS IN A DAY. so this spray keeps you going for over 3 days. Another is the deflated balls. YES they were selling them. I asked... all these things just interest me on the fact that the entertainment of America might just be turning to shit. We seriously need to make bouncy balls better by putting things in them? Specially fish? Really? The only one I let slide is the chicken nugget and the hidden driveway sign. Those were just placement errors and taste buds, but this concerns me. People like them extra crispy? and people cant think? oh my god a tree is covering the sign.... might be a bad idea to put this here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

the prisoner

Okay, so here is what my mind is cooking about the show. ME THINKS! that number six IS ACTUALLY number one. If you notice in the show, when ever number 6 asks who is number 1, they reply with you are number 6. SO THIS LEADS ME TO THINK! number 1 DOES NOT exist. Number 6 was PART founder of the island but resigned because he did not like it. Think of it. It adds up. In the opening you notice the doors are labeled "way out" so he left without stating why and they are all after him. what they did was the gas may have been to powerful or something. thus he does not remember being on the island. Also notice how the gesture for "be seeing you is" when you form in your hand. It looks like a 6 from the head. number 6 IS the head? hmmm?